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Hi there, we are Leah, Louise, Brejeetta and Naireen - The In2MedSchool UCAT Team.

Welcome to our UCAT resources page! 

We've been working hard over the years to create resources and deliver webinars, and here they are all in one place. 

We hope you find them useful and if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to email - Good Luck!

Sign up to our 1:1 mentoring scheme where you will be assigned a medical student or junior doctor who can assist you with your application for free.

Click here to learn more.

Changes to BMAT Assessment in 2024/25


    Check out our list of frequently asked questions to get the answers you need. If you still have a question for us, feel free to get in touch with us via email (, and a member of our team will be in touch to help you out.

    Alternatively, if you have any feedback for us, please head on over to our Contact Us page!


    Always double-check before choosing your universities!

    University of Aberdeen
    Anglia Ruskin University
    Aston University
    University of Birmingham
    University of Bristol
    Cardiff University
    University of Dundee
    Durham University
    University of East Anglia
    Edge Hill University
    University of Edinburgh
    University of Exeter
    University of Glasgow
    Hull York Medical School
    Keele University
    Kent and Medway Medical School 
    King’s College London 
    University of Leicester
    University of Liverpool
    University of Manchester
    Newcastle University
    University of Nottingham
    University of Plymouth
    Queen Mary, University of London
    Queen’s University Belfast
    University of Sheffield
    University of Southampton
    University of St Andrews
    St George’s University of London
    University of Sunderland
    University of Warwick


    UCAT exam sittings (unlike BMAT) run on multiple days, but you can only sit the exam once per application cycle (ie. you cannot resit for a better score).
    Cost of sitting the UCAT is £75, but you can apply for a bursary. On medical / health grounds, you can apply to sit the UCATSEN, which allows more time per question.
  • ​​​
    Section 1: Verbal Reasoning (VR)​

    Number of Questions: 44
    Time (UCAT): 1min (instruction), 21min (test time)
    Time (UCATSEN): 1min 15s (instruction), 26min 15s (test time)

    VR questions present you with a written passage and test the ability to find relevant and analyse statements within the passage. VR is generally considered the hardest section of the UCAT and tends to score the lowest. VR questions fall into two main categories: either identifying a given statement as ‘True / False / Can’t tell’ based on the passage, or evaluating four individual statements and selecting one based on what the question is asking. 

    Section 2: Decision Making (DM)
    Number of Questions: 29
    Time (UCAT): 1min (instruction), 31min (test time)
    Time (UCATSEN): 1min 15s (instruction), 38min 45s (test time)

    DM questions test the ability to make logical connections, deductions and inferences from data. 
    DM questions fall into two main categories. Firstly, data synthesis which involves calculations, application of rules and pattern recognition. Secondly,  data extraction, which involves analysis & evaluation of data than can be presented in a textual / numerical / visual format

    Section 3: Qualitative Reasoning (QR)​

    Number of Questions: 36
    Time (UCAT): 1min (instruction), 24min (test time)
    Time (UCATSEN): 1min 15s (instruction), 30min (test time)

    QR questions require you to choose the relevant data from charts / graphs / tables, and to set up and solve calculations. They test numeracy skills appropriate to GCSE level Maths, hence the challenge comes not so much from the Maths content, but rather the time pressure and ability to identify relevant data and perform a series of quick calculations, often by estimating rather than working out precise answers.

    Section 4: Abstract Reasoning (AR)​
    Number of Questions: 55
    Time (UCAT): 1min (instruction), 13min (test time)
    Time (UCATSEN): 1min 15s (instruction), 16min 15s (test time)

    AR tests your ability to find patterns in shapes. It is the most time pressured section of the UCAT, and being able to tell apart relevant information from ‘clutter’ is crucial. There are four subtypes of questions, but they all centre around the concept of a set / series of shapes, and identifying whether a test shape belongs to either set or completes a series.

    Section 5: Situational Judgement (SJ)​

    Number of Questions: 69
    Time (UCAT): 1min (instruction), 26min (test time)
    Time (UCATSEN): 1min 15s (instruction), 32min 30s (test time)

    The SJT is different from the other four sections of the UCAT. It tests your ability to discern what factors are important and what behaviours are appropriate to maintain a high degree of professionalism applied to real-life medical / educational scenarios. In some ways, this is the section of the UCAT with the most direct applicability, and the SJT is a type of exam that recurs at various stages of medical training. For example, all medical students in their final year are required to sit a SJT, which contributes to their overall score when applying for foundation doctor jobs. The content of the SJT closely follows guidelines around good medical practice laid out by the General Medical Council - subjects covered include safety, communication, trust, honesty and teamwork.
    For more material on questions types within each section, guidance on recognising and tackling questions subtypes, and one-on-one personalised mentoring and access to practice questions, please sign up to the In2MedSchool Mentorship Programme.

  • ​​​

    Time pressured:

    ​You need copious practice to get good at pattern recognition.


    Psychometric testing:

    Not possible to rely on your pre-existing academic knowledge.


    Computer-based exam:

    Questions and a calculator are on the screen, you have a pen and small whiteboard to write on, but you can’t cross out / circle / highlight as you would on a paper-based exam

  • ​​​

    Your UCAT score is adjusted based on the performance of others in your application cycle. So, it is possible to get some questions wrong and still get full marks for the section. Scores for the first four sections (VR, DM, QR, AR) range 300 - 900 per section, and UCAT scores are either stated as a total across the four sections (out of 3600) or an average across the four sections (out of 900).


    The scores below are given in terms of averages across the four sections:


    ​Low score: <610

    Average score: 620 - 630

    Good score: 640 - 670

    High score: 680 - 720

    Excellent score: 720 - 800 (difficult to achieve)

    Outstanding score: >800 (very difficult to achieve, equates to about 80% correct)​

    The last section (SJ) is scored in terms of banding quartiles:


    ​Band 1: top (best) quartile

    Band 2: second quartile

    Band 3: third quartile

    Band 4: bottom (worst) quartile

  • Here are the links that will guide you through our updated resources available for each section within the UCAT. 

    Click here for our UCAT resources on our Youtube channel (@In2MedSchool) !

    Verbal Reasoning (VR) 

    Video guide - VR - Video Guide by Leah Hartin.mp4
    Presentation slide - VR Lesson Slideshow.pptx

    Decision Making (DM) 
    Video guide - DM - Video Guide by Leah Hartin.mp4
    Presentation slide - DM Lesson Slideshow.pptx

    Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
    Video guide - QR - Video Guide by Leah Hartin.mp4
    Presentation slide - QR Lesson Slideshow_.pptx

    Abstract Reasoning (AR) 
    Video guide - AR - Video Guide by Leah Hartin.mp4
    Presentation slide - AR Lesson Slideshow.pptx

    Situational Judgement Test (SJT) 
    Video guide - SJT - Video Guide by Leah Hartin.mp4
    Presentation slide - SJT Lesson Slideshow.pptx



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